| 9 April 2002, near Mimbres, NM: We crossed the Continental Divide about a dozen times while circling the Gila Wilderness Area. |
 | 9 April 2002, Hanover, NM: Chino open pit copper mine. |
 | 9 April 2002, Chiricahua Wilderness Area, AZ: The tour books fail to distinguish paved from unpaved roads, so we ended up covering about 100 miles of washboard at Chiricahua. Here on Rucker Canyon Road we discovered that the Puck window would randomly fall out about every 5 miles. Fortunately it is now Lexan plastic, the original glass having popped out on I-80 last August. |
 | 11 April 2002, Chiricahua Wilderness Area, AZ: A certifiably great hike can be had from Echo Canyon Point down to the visitors center. Mostly downhill from a maximum of 7010', 9 or so miles took us about 3.5 hours. The volcanic welded tuff erodes to balanced rocks everywhere. |
 | 11 April 2002, Chiricahua Wilderness Area, AZ: The Heart of Rocks and Cochise's Head. |
 | 13 April 2002, Tombstone, AZ: Back at Mike's house, convienently located on Boot Hill. These graves, a short walk from his front door, are of the famous bad cowboys killed by the Earps and Doc Holliday. |
 | 13 April 2002, Tombstone, AZ: More Boot Hill residents. Boot Hill was receiving new tenents only 2 years, but quickly got a population of about 250. |
 | 13 April 2002, Tombstone, AZ: Sarah, Pete, Mike and Don out at night on Allen Street. |
 | 16 April 2002, Salt River Canyon, AZ: A bit out of our way, but it took us up the Mormon Pima Valley to Globe, then north to a campsite at Jones Water. A storm blew in the next day as we headed through the Salt River Canyon. The GPS was having trouble keeping up with the switchbacks. |
 | 16 April 2002, Salt River Canyon, AZ: A fantastic gorge, but over quickly. We were then in the Central Highlands of Arizona soon to reach the Arizona Plateau. |
 | 16 April 2002, north of Concho, AZ: The high flat plateau is about to give way to the greatest canyons anywhere. It was getting extremely windy, steady 25 mph and gusts to 50. |
 | 16 April 2002, Petrified Forest National Park, AZ. |
 | 16 April 2002, Petrified Forest National Park, AZ: Petroglyphs near a prehistoric Mogollon ruin. |
 | 16 April 2002, Petrified Forest National Park: Painted Desert north of the petrified forest. |
 | 17 April 2002, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Navajo Nation: We are living on the Rez now, subject to local laws and customs. Alcohol forbidden by federal law, no photography of local people, homes, land or their animals without permission. No hiking without a native guide. Canyon de Chelly figures prominently in recent Navajo history, but these ruins all predate the current Navajo owners. This is the 700 year old Puebloan village called Mummy Cave Ruin, viewed from about 1000' above. |
 | 17 April 2002, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Navajo Nation: A short 2.5 mile hike called White House Trail descends 600' into the canyon. |
 | 17 April 2002, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Navajo Nation: White House ruin. Unlike Gila Cliff Dwellings, this is as close as a visitor gets to Canyon de Chelly ruins. |
 | 17 April 2002, near Kayenta, Navajo Nation: The winds which began yesterday have become ferocious, steady 40 mph, gust to who knows how fast. Driving north with it as a tailwind saved lots of gas, but crossing a valley floor was guaranteed red-out and white-out conditions. This is entering Monument Valley, but as you can see, it was a bad day for pictures. |
 | 18 April 2002, Monument Valley, Navajo Nation: Feeling our way through the dust storms, we found our way to Gouldings Trading Post, a famous Monument Valley outpost. After 48 hours of steady winds that produced sand drifts *insides* of many buildings, we woke to a beautiful day. Since we were still in the Rez, we found the only unguided hike allowed, a 3.5 mile hike around the West Mitten. Thousands of tourists drive through the valley daily, the signup sheet for the hike showed about 6 people hiked here in the last 2 weeks. |
 | 18 April 2002, Monument Valley, Navajo Nation: Views during our hike. |
 | 18 April 2002, Monument Valley, Navajo Nation: After our hike around the West Mitten, Pete asked Sarah to put her hands in both mittens, but she could not hear him through the winds. |
 | 18 April 2002, Monument Valley, Navajo Nation: A 200+' tall spire called Totem Pole. Remember in the 60s and 70s when they put cars and trucks up there for TV ads? |
 | 18 April 2002, Monument Valley, Navajo Nation: A view through the North Window. |
 | 18 April 2002, Monument Valley, Navajo Nation: A quarter moon rising over Cly Butte. |
 | 18 April 2002, Monument Valley, Navajo Nation: Back at the Visitors Center, models wearing black pose for a fashion shoot, as a rez dog gets lucky begging for scraps. |
 | 19 April 2002, Monument Valley, Navajo Nation: Our room with a view. |